Release Notes and Notices

This segment serves two different purposes, depending on the role of the reader. For project managers(PM’s) this is effectively a highlight report. For developers(Dev’s) it’s a changelog. Content includes:

  • a summary of what’s new or changed since the last release e.g. performance report(PM’s), dependancy & compatibility consideration (Dev’s)

  • links to older/archived releases of this document e.g. points of reference for PM’s ‘plans v performance’ / Change log for Dev’s

  • issues, risks and concers, ideas etc … e.g. for inclusion in any plans moving forward/ re-releases

  • notes on future re-releases e.g. plans moving forward

Version 0.0.1

This is the first draft/release of this document.

Previous Publications

There are no previous releases of this document (only a reference to a pseudo one, to give an example):

Version 0.0.0


Known and Corrected Issues

In this table are raised issues which are pending consideration, inclusion and/or remedy.

These issues will be cleared from this list as and when they are remedied.

Comments - none

Notes on Next Release

Nothing significant to report at this stage. But we’ve included some text below to demonstrate the anchors work. If this text wasn’t here this pages content would all fit on one screen. So when you try to link to titles, nothing would happen without this text.

sample text - sample text - sample text

sample text - sample text - sample text

sample text - sample text - sample text

sample text - sample text - sample text